Last prisoner on death row in Kerobokan jail is 58yrs British grandmother - xplicitgist

Monday, May 4, 2015

Last prisoner on death row in Kerobokan jail is 58yrs British grandmother

British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford, 58, is facing death by firing squad after Indonesia announced that its next batch of executions will be in secret – and with no advance warning.

Sandiford, sentenced to death for smuggling cocaine into Bali in 2012, is now the last prisoner on death row on the island’s Kerobokan jail after eight other inmates – including her close friend Andrew Chan – were executed on Wednesday.

Here, in her own words, Sandiford tells how she has started to write goodbye letters as she faces up to the gruesome prospect of facing a firing squad…

My execution is imminent and I know I might die at any time now. I could be taken tomorrow from my cell in Bali to Nusa Kambangan – the place they call Execution Island – and given 72 hours’ notice before I am put in front of a firing squad.

 I am now the only prisoner left on death row in Kerobokan and the Indonesian government says it wants to execute everyone given the death penalty for drug crimes before the end of 2015 – and that there will be no clemency.

The day of my death came closer on Wednesday with the execution in Nusa Kambangan of eight prisoners, including my dear friend Andrew Chan. Andrew had helped me through some dark times in Kerobokan after I was first given the death penalty.

The Indonesian Attorney General’s office said last week there will be no warning before the next round of executions and the timing will be kept secret. 

That means I will be taken straight from my cell to Execution Island and then given three days’ notice of execution. The list for the next round of executions is already being drawn up.
That is why, this weekend, I have started to write goodbye letters to members of my family.
I am out of time to apply for clemency and I have no funds to appeal against my death sentence, so the authorities can simply assume I accept my sentence.

It is terrifying. They have already executed 14 people this year and they are not going to stop until all of us are dead. The situation is so volatile. That’s why I have to make my preparations now.

The night they shot Andrew last week was heartbreaking. It was very quiet in the prison because everyone knew what was going to happen. I sat in the kitchen area of my cell with the door shut.
Messages were passed to the prison through the night. I didn’t sleep a wink.

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